Health & Safety at Kidzeum
Kidzeum Sick Policy
Staff and volunteers who are sick, or are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, are asked to stay home to limit the spread of illness. Similarly, if a visitor has a fever, has had a fever recently, is too sick to attend work or school, or is experiencing any abnormal symptoms, we ask that they do not visit Kidzeum.
Hand Sanitizing Stations
We encourage guests to wash their hands with soap and water as frequently as possible. However, there are also hand sanitizer stations on all three floors, to use before and after touching objects in the museum. Sanitizing wipes are also available on all three floors.
Kidzeum Cleaning Protocol
At Kidzeum, the health and safety of our guests remains a high priority throughout the entire year. Our staff work tirelessly, and follow a specific protocol, to ensure that the museum is kept a clean, safe, and fun place for families to visit. See below to learn how we maintain the facility’s cleanliness.
Kidzeum’s cleaning protocol includes:
Kidzeum staff clean and sanitize the entire museum each day. Cleaning procedures begin early, before museum opening hours, and continue throughout the day and after closing. A deep clean of the museum is done once per day.
Our staff uses safe, hospital-grade disinfectant cleaner and sanitizer, approved by the CDC to protect against COVID-19, to clean all museum areas and props, including:
- Toys/props, pillows, stuffed animals, etc.
- All exhibit areas
- Furniture (including tables, chairs, coat racks, etc.)
- Restrooms, including sinks, toilets, changing tables, doors and handles, etc.
- Handrails, doors, and door handles
Kidzeum staff vacuum, sweep and mop floors each day and deep clean carpets throughout the year.
Costumes, plush materials, and fabric pieces of our exhibits are laundered and cleaned on a regular basis.
The cleanliness of Kidzeum exhibits, props, and all other areas has always been a top priority. We will continually take steps to monitor and keep up with any new cleaning guidelines that become available from the local, state, and federal government.
Kidzeum's commitment to the health and safety of its visitors has been supported by these generous community partners: